Six Best Teas for Fighting the Flu

six-best tea for flu-grosche tea for cold and flu

Cold and flu season is upon us. That means, as colder weather approaches so do the dreaded cold and flu symptoms. But do not fret- we have you covered.  We’ve gone ahead and curated a list of the best tea ingredients to look for when choosing a tea for flu as well as some of our personal favourite tea remedies. Not only will these teas help boost your immunity but they will also help you cope should you fall sick.

7 ingredients to look for when choosing the best tea for flu

There are several flu-fighting teas on the market today. But finding one that suits your symptoms can be a challenge. To make things a little easier for you, here is a list of ingredients to look for in your tea with an explanation of what each ingredient will do for you.

1) Lemon-Loaded with vitamin C, lemons have been known to help the body fight flu, decrease cold symptoms and reduce phlegm.

2) Ginger-Used to relieve throats and loosen up congestion. It’s also known for its ability to calm an upset stomach. It’s also good for treating vomit and nausea.

3) Honey-Honey contains vitamin c and folate which can help soothe the back of the throats which can become irritated from coughing.

4) Turmeric-Turmeric is one of the most effective anti-inflammatories around, turmeric can also help reduce inflammation and relieve gastrointestinal discomfort.

5) Peppermint-Peppermint leaves contain menthol which naturally calms and numbs the body and helps relieve congestions. It’s also a natural remedy for headaches, migraines, and nausea.

6) Green tea leaves-Green tea leaves contain several properties that work to get the body to optimal health. Green tea is rich in polyphenols, catechins, and flavonoids which show antioxidant, antimicrobial, alkalizing and immune-stimulating qualities. In addition, the catechins in green tea may inhibit the growth of bacteria and some viruses such as the influenza virus, as well as lower the risk of infections.

7) White tea leaves-Like green tea leaves, white tea leaves destroy pathogenic bacteria in your body. Not only is it extremely high in immune-boosting antioxidants but it’s also a powerful fighter against colds and flu. In addition, it’s good for the skin and contains anti-aging benefits. Consuming white tea while fighting the flu and a common cold will relieve symptoms.

best tea for flu fight the flu and colds with these powerful natural tea remedies

Our favourite teas for flu and colds

From immune boosting to a sore throat soothing, these teas will help relieve symptoms. Better yet, they may even prevent you from getting sick in the first place.

1) Pick-me-up tea for colds and the flu

A treat for the body; as it tones, and strengthens the immune system, provides the body with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, assists in detoxing, and delivers corporal energy without caffeine. Should you feel groggy, the yerba matte is this tea will have you up and at em in no time.

Ingredients: green yerba mate, lemongrass, spearmint leaves, gingko and ginseng pieces, nettle pieces, calendula, cornflower, and sunflower petals, rooibos, green rooibos, honeybush, chamomile flowers, goji berries, ginger pieces, apples, rosehips, hibiscus, lemon and lime pieces, peppermint, lime leaves, natural flavours

GROSCHE-pick me up tea for wellness-tea-1000x1000

2) Powerhouse – the best tea for cold and flu

Our Powerhouse tea acts as an aid to the immune system, moderates symptoms of congestion and throat pain, relieves fatigue and sleeplessness, remedies stomach issues, and gives comfort and overall relief resulting in a natural and quicker recovery. One of our favourites, this may be the best tea for flu.

Ingredients: Green yerba mate, lemongrass, spearmint leaves, gingko and ginseng pieces, nettle pieces, calendula, cornflower, and sunflower petals, rooibos, green rooibos, honeybush, chamomile flowers, goji berries, ginger pieces, apples, rosehips, hibiscus, lemon and lime pieces, peppermint, lime leaves, natural flavours.

immunce boosting tea powerhouse tea immune system booster | GROSCHE

3) Throat Soother cold and flu tea

This throat soothing tea is composed of herbs such as peppermint, linden petals, and lemon verbena which work to help lessen congestion and inflammation in the throat and respiratory tracts.

Ingredients: organic peppermint leaves, rooibos, linden and passion flower petals, lemon balm and lemon verbena leaves, anise, cinnamon, orange pieces, oat straw, and hops

throat soothing tea tea for sore throat

4) Ginger green tea

Ginger tea is widely used to reduce discomfort from an achy stomach or nausea. Additionally, it is beneficial for relief of menstrual discomfort, helps with food digestion, sore muscle and stress relief strengthens the immune system and improves blood circulation.

Ingredients: Sencha green tea and dried ginger pieces


5) Peppermint

Peppermint tea has an array of health benefits. Not only does it help to prevent vomiting, nausea and motion sickness, but it also helps reduce fever and discomfort, boosts the immune system, helps to improve breath, aids in relieving mental stress, cough and cold, and relieves stomach discomfort.

Ingredients: Organic Peppermint leaves from the USA.

herbal peppermint tea

6) Samurai Matcha

Matcha is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols that help boost our immunity and assist the body in fighting off infection. The caffeine in matcha gives you an energy boost without the jitters helping you fight fatigue during the cold season.

Ingredients: Stone ground Matcha tea

Samurai matcha green tea powder | Grosche

Whether your symptoms include, fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, muscle aches, and or fatigue, our tea for flu recommendations have your back. But the truth is, you don’t need to start feeling sick to reap the benefits of these teas. Our teas provide many health benefits to keep your immune system strong and your body health when consumed on a daily basis. So drink up!

Let us know what your favourite tea for flu is in the comments below!

Up Next: Six Surprising Matcha Benefits 

1 thoughts on “Six Best Teas for Fighting the Flu

  1. Shawn Matthew says:

    The Tea Infuser is great because you can make your tea with no problem and enjoy it wherever you go. I love the Tea Infuser makes my life 10 x better, well not really, just making tea is better.

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