Green Tea for Acne: An Organic Recipe for Great Skin


Is green tea good for acne? The question many of us have been asking. And our answer is yes, one cup of green tea a day indeed keeps the acne away. You heard it right, studies lead us to believe that the theory is true.

Green tea is such a miracle drink that is good for a lot of things, including the immune system, weight loss, oral health and yes, skin care. You might wonder, how does green tea for acne treatment work? And how much should you drink?  Well, find out below.


Green Tea for Acne Treatment


What is Green Tea? 

This is not a joking question. What is green tea? You would probably say, “green tea is just green tea…”. Then what is the difference between green tea and black tea? Umm…they have different colors? You’re not wrong, that is correct, but there is more.

Both green tea and black tea are made from Camellia sinensis leaves. But unlike black tea or oolong tea, green tea doesn’t go through an oxidation process. Due to this difference, green tea becomes such a powerful tea full of EGCG.


What is EGCG?

“Hold a second, what are you talking about, EGCG?” We are going to explain it to you.

EGCG, epigallocatechin gallate, is a potent antioxidant. Similar to other antioxidants, it’s able to provide you with numerous skin and health benefits.

The amount of EGCG existing in green tea is super shocking. In 100g dried leaves of green tea, there is 7380mg EGCG, which is about 7 times more than it is in black tea.

So, can EGCG help green tea for acne treatment and reduce inflammation? Definitely!


How EGCG Helps With Acne

IGF-1 has acne-producing effects in your body. To be specific, high IGF-1 levels will produce too many skin cells that get stuck together and clog your pores. Also, it directly leads to worse inflammation.

The good news is, EGCG is the major killer of IGF-1’s acne-producing effects. On the one hand, EGCG makes your body pump out more IGFBP-3, which binds up IGF-1 floating around your bloodstream. On the other hand, it also prevents the acne-producing effects of IGF-1. Due to these two properties, EGCG in green tea can improve your acne successfully.

green ceylon tea grosche

Moreover, EGCG has the ability to blocking 5-α reductase. If you don’t know 5-α reductase, it is a serious problem for acne sufferers. 5-α reductase converts free testosterone to DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is a major stimulator of excess sebum, clogged pores, and inflammatory acne. Thus, by holding down 5-α reductase, EGCG contributes to green tea for acne treatment in another way.


EGCG Kills Candida

Overgrowth of Candida in the gut causes lots of problems, not only inflammation and bad immune system but also acne. That’s how EGCG comes into play, it is super effective against Candida.

As a “troublemaker”, EGCG screws up Candida’s ability to create and maintain biofilm. Since biofilm allows Candida to hide in your immune system, disrupting biofilm is an effective way to prevent candida overgrowth.

Furthermore, EGCG fight against Candida with its folic and metabolism. This process prevents Candida from producing ergosterol, an element allows Candida to reproduce.

By messing up with Candida, EGCG in green tea successfully help you solve acne issues.


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How to Use Green Tea for Acne Treatment

If you are bored with drinking green tea every day, try one of the following ways to boost the effectiveness of green tea for acne treatment!

#1 Green tea for acne

What you’ll need:

Instruction (twice a day is recommended):

  1. Firstly, brew 2-3 tbsp. green tea and let it cool completely.
  2. After cooling, pour the cooled green tea into a spray bottle.
  3. Then, wash your face with a facial cleanser and pat dry with a towel.
  4. Spritz the green tea onto your face and let it dry off.
  5. Lastly, rinse with cold water and pat your skin dry with a towel.

Why It Works?

This treatment is able to tone your face by refining pores and protecting your skin with antioxidants. At the same time, green tea helps remove the excess dirt and provide your skin with enough hydration.

This treatment will be more effective if you also consume green tea on a regular basis.

what is sencha healthy green tea cup with tea leaves

#2 Honey and green tea for acne

What you’ll need:
  • Loose leaf green tea
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • Hot water
  • Facial cleanser
  • Towel
Instruction (3-4 times a week is recommended):
  1. Firstly, brew 2-3 tbsp. green tea for 3 minutes and let it cool completely.
  2. Once cooled, add the honey to the leaves.
  3. Then, wash your face with a facial cleanser and pat dry.
  4. After that, apply the honey and green tea mixture onto your face and leave it on for about 20 minutes.
  5. Finally, rinse with cool water and pat dry.
Why It Works?

Honey’s antibacterial property is an excellent candidate to help fight against your acne. At the same time, it is also able to moisture your face and fade acne marks with its bleaching property.

Not only for treating acne, drinking green tea can benefit you through all the ways in daily life. If you are worried about your acne problems or other health issues. Why not give green tea a try?

What else is green tea good for? Find out here.



Other Reasons Why Green Tea is Good For Acne

Green Tea Controls Insulin and Blood Sugar Levels

High insulin and blood sugar level also have negatives effects on acne. By consuming green tea regularly, you are able to keep blood sugar level low and insulin level stable. Eventually, it ensures your skin looks the best.

In addition, studies show green tea can help weight loss. How is weight loss connected? Well, weight gain is the key factor of high blood sugar levels and insulin resistance.

As a result, green tea helps you lose weight and controls blood sugar levels at the same time. Isn’t this a win-win strategy you are dreaming for? Start drinking green tea for acne treatment!


Green Tea Provides Sun Protection

Has sun exposure ever burnt your skin?


The phenols in green tea have the ability to repair skin damage caused by sun exposure.

In one study, the skin was pre-treated with green tea extracts. Although the pre-treatment didn’t protect your skin from UV rays, the skin cells began to repair their DNA immediately to help restore proper function. On the contrary, skin cells that weren’t treated with green tea extract became inflamed.

Due to green tea’s skin reparability, it can help your skin against long-term effects of sun exposure, including hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation is a result of UV rays, which will build up a concentration of melanin in sunburnt areas. This melanin causes these areas to become darker and eventually results in acne.

While it’s necessary to protect your skin with sunscreen, regular use of this home remedy can provide you with essential after-the-fact sunburn protection.


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